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Migrating From Microsoft Dynamics NAV to Business Central

Unlock the benefits of upgrading from NAV to Business Central and find helpful tips in our guide.
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If you have been using Microsoft Dynamics NAV for any length of time, you may have found the following to be true: The pro and con of NAV is that you can customize it.

Customizations and independent software vendor (ISV) solutions within NAV can lead to a tangled web of code that often made the thought of upgrading to a newer version daunting at the least and, in some cases, prohibitively expensive. Still, NAV versions are phasing out of support and planning for the future is paramount.

Migrating From the Ground to the Cloud

Migrating from on-premises to cloud enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems can help with enhanced scalability, improved accessibility, and fortified security through regular software updates.

Microsoft has an active Dynamics community, and often leverages user feedback to help build new products and features. In part, this is how Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central came to be. Dynamics 365 Business Central is a cloud-based ERP system that builds upon the NAV platform and features leading-edge capabilities.

A community-pleasing feature of Business Central is that it significantly reduces the need for base code customizations. Customizations in NAV meant co-mingling code from Microsoft, your software implementation partner, ISVs, and your own development team—all of which could affect system upgrades. Business Central was designed to help overcome this challenge without eliminating the ability to adjust (or configure) the system when out-of-the-box functionality doesn’t satisfy business needs.

Extensions: A New Approach to Customization

The concept of “extensions” is introduced in Business Central and some later versions of NAV. Transitioning to the cloud, along with more flexible servicing and regular updates, requires a less disruptive customization approach. Extensions offer a new approach to replace customization through overlayering, or “extensibility.” Extensibility offers the following key benefits.

Easier Upgrades: Business Central receives upgrades twice a year from Microsoft, reducing the need for complex and expensive manual upgrades. When your ERP system is extensible, your code is mostly immune to upgrade failures—meaning upgrades from the technology provider rarely affect your daily operations.

Reduced IT Burden: Microsoft manages and maintains physical infrastructure, so your IT team won’t need to maintain on-premises servers and manually install software updates.

Flexible Architecture: Business Central separates customizations from the core application, reducing conflicts during upgrades. Extensions help accomplish this by building a new architecture for changes in the system. For instance:

  • Tables, pages, and reports can be modified via extensions.
  • Instead of directly adding a new field to the item table, you extend the item table to include a new field.
  • The system then isolates the field in the back end, protecting it from unwanted changes and protecting the system from unexpected actions.

Even with this protection, Business Central users can still interact with the field and make updates in a manner similar to NAV. The user experience is comparable.

Migration Steps

Below are steps to follow to migrate from NAV to Business Central using Microsoft’s Cloud Migration Tool.

Check Your Last NAV Upgrade

The first step in the process is to update your NAV environment. This may seem daunting, but it’s the last time to perform this task. Depending on which version of NAV you are starting from, there may be several upgrades to complete. For each NAV version, you and your technology implementation partner should:

  1. Compare Modifications: Carefully compare the modifications in your environment (if any) to base NAV for your version.
  2. Consider Necessity: Discuss the code changes and decide if those changes will be needed in Business Central or if the need can be replaced with Business Central functionality.
  3. Build Extensions: Build those customizations as extensions, which can be introduced at the NAV 2018 version. This can help save time and money as you work through the upgrade steps up to a compatible Business Central version.

Data Migration Note: Extension data is not stored in the same way as table customization data. Therefore, there may be some back-end work to move the data from the customized fields to extension fields where needed.

Employ the Cloud Migration Tool

Now that you have completed your final NAV version upgrade, you can finally escape to the cloud. Business Central includes the Cloud Migration Tool, which requires some setup work to complete. Here is the process:

  1. Setup: Work with your technology implementation partner to configure the Cloud Migration Tool.
  2. Data Upload: The tool uploads your data (including extensions) to Business Central in the cloud.
  3. Testing: Observe your data in the cloud and confirm the upload was completed successfully.
  4. Error Resolution: The tool also can highlight any issues so that you and your technology implementation partner can resolve those before go-live.

Common Questions

Here are a few common questions you may have when migrating from NAV to Business Central.

Q: That upgrade process sounds simple. Does that mean it’s fast and relatively inexpensive?

A: Compared to the conventional upgrade steps needed to move from one NAV version to the next, the process can be significantly less expensive. However, every environment is different, so some preliminary effort is necessary to design your specific upgrade path.

Q: I want to use this opportunity to redesign my chart of accounts and other key setups. Is that possible?

A: Your migrated data will have the same chart of accounts and configuration as your existing NAV environment. However, if you plan to redesign your chart of accounts, you can migrate your existing environment to the cloud and use that data as a historical reference. You then can create a new company in Business Central to implement your new chart and setup. This approach can help you have your cake and eat it, too.

Consulting Insight: Overcoming Upgrade Fears

Many of the Business Technology Services professionals at Forvis Mazars are former end users. Our team members can recall the trepidation that came with the prospect of significant system upgrades. The thought of disrupting daily operations, the potential for unforeseen issues, and the costs involved were weighty concerns. However, transitioning from NAV to Business Central doesn’t have to be fraught with these challenges. The Cloud Migration Tool can help streamline the process, making it less complex and more cost-effective than other upgrade methods.

By understanding the advantages of Business Central and leveraging the Cloud Migration Tool, you can navigate your migration from NAV to the cloud with confidence. This transition can help modernize your ERP system and pave the way for a more efficient, secure, and resilient business environment.

When you’re ready to migrate from NAV to Business Central, Forvis Mazars can assist. Our team of professionals can help guide you through each step of the process. Your situation may fit perfectly with the approach outlined above, but there’s no one-size-fits-all option. Contact us to learn how Business Technology Services at Forvis Mazars can guide you through the process.

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