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Grants Management

Helping you make a difference in your community with effective grants management services.
Diverse private school classmates are excited as foam overflows from beaker during chemistry experiment.

Our forward vision can help improve your community impact.

Grant funds have become increasingly important to government and commercial entities, healthcare providers, educational institutions, and nonprofit organizations across the United States. Managing these funds can be crucial to an organization’s success. By appropriately expending your awarded funds, you not only increase the positive impact you can make on your community now and in the future, but you also reduce the risk of fraud and de-obligation, which can have negative repercussions for years.

Our Grants Management Services practice assists clients daily with research and application activities, as well as the administration, design, and implementation of grant-funded programs to help provide economic growth and rebuild communities stronger than before. Our forward vision on evolving Uniform Guidance and federal and state regulations helps keep our clients moving with momentum. 

We help organizations across the country successfully manage grant funds while continuing to serve their communities and fulfill their day-to-day responsibilities. We want to put our experience to work for you by providing services for any or all stages of the grant life cycle. Our approach integrates project management principles into each component to help you benefit from our commitment to helping you accomplish your mission with transparency and accountability.

How Forvis Mazars Can Help

Pre-Award Phase

Strategic Planning

Forvis Mazars helps you by performing strategic research to identify available grant funding opportunities in support of your citizens and communities. Our approach to identifying funding options from federal, state, local, and private grant sources includes using a systems approach to enhance funding. We hold brainstorming sessions to assess current programs and the development of any newly anticipated programs. We understand that a detailed plan may involve an iterative approach as we balance community needs, resources, political, and socio-cultural priorities.

Grant Writing

When applying for funding, it’s important to present your vision in a favorable way to meet the needs the funding seeks to address. We can assist you in producing grant applications that conform to the scoring criteria and formatting requirements outlined in grant instructions. We also can compile the necessary documentation for compliance, perform quality and technical reviews prior to submission, and assist with submission on the applicable grant portal.

Award Phase

Planning & Development

While a grant award can greatly benefit an organization, keeping track of all the requirements and tasks that must start on day one can be overwhelming. Forvis Mazars can guide you from the initial grant award phase through helping prepare the necessary tools to comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. We also can assist in developing a grant portfolio to include grants received, amounts, reporting deadlines, monitoring requirements, and any other applicable information.

Grant Policies & Procedures

Forvis Mazars can assist in the development, modification, or implementation of applicable policies and procedures for both recipients and subrecipients. These include:

  • Creating tailored checklists to assist in grants management and compliance
  • Identifying applicable compliance requirements
  • Reviewing the grantee’s budget to identify opportunities for allocation of indirect costs and matching requirements
  • Developing procurement policies and processes to help administer allowable expenditures
Funding Allocation Methodology

Our clients count on us to bring measured and time-tested advice. We take the time to understand your current allocation processes and any priorities that should be incorporated to meet the community's needs. Although budget constraints always play a significant role, the factors used to determine the allocations must be based on reasonable eligibility and allowability criteria and documented accordingly. We will recommend changes to assist in complying with specialized rules and regulations, including areas for efficiencies and best practices.

Post-Award Phase

Forward-Looking Project Management & Technology

 A key element to a successful grants management project is establishing a solid project management foundation that emphasizes transparency and flexibility. With our project management methodology, you will not miss a beat. Our nimble approach leverages cutting-edge project management tools, including data analytics, artificial intelligence, and powerful benchmarking services, all while emphasizing the importance of security and confidentiality. This approach also gives you real-time access to what’s happening in your project at any given time, giving you peace of mind about the priorities and purpose of the project.

Compliance Evaluations

Many strenuous and ever-changing regulations surround cost-recovery programs. Having the experience of the grants management advisors at Forvis Mazars can help you avoid potential de-obligation in the future and solidify your federal and state funding. Our approach can include:

  • Assessing the eligibility of fund recipients based on guidance stated in the oversight agency’s contract
  • Creating and/or assisting in the application process for subrecipients
  • Monitoring a participant’s eligibility status in accordance with the contract requirements
  • Guiding clients on the most up-to-date Uniform Guidance applicable to the funding source
Application Strategy for Programs

Forvis Mazars can assist in the preparation and development of grant applications to distribute funding. This may include providing website updates, finalizing application components, converting components into acceptable formats, and compiling the various pieces of the application, including the required backup documentation.

Technology and data analytics can determine eligibility, including coordination of applicant questions and responses based on the oversight agency guidance. This includes the intake forms/monitoring and project management through approval and denials. To help mitigate risk, we can perform a client risk assessment as part of the initial screening process for reimbursement requests. We believe these tactics will help public sector, commercial enterprises, healthcare, higher education, and nonprofit entities get more from their grants management services.

Process Improvement Assessment

The complexity of award requirements can often result in time-consuming processes. Beyond helping maintain compliance, we also can assist in refining these processes to improve operating efficiencies. With a thoughtful review of current processes and duties assigned within the financial reporting process, we can identify potential opportunities to streamline activities and help improve the utilization of resources.

Procurement Policy Preparation & Implementation

Our experienced team can assist in reviewing contracts and purchasing documentation for cost recovery and compliance of expenditures using federal funds. Forvis Mazars can help:

  • Educate management on documentation required for complying with procurement rules in accordance with Uniform Guidance and funding sources
  • Create internal implementation checklists that’s compliant with your procurement policy and monitor procurement purchases through data analytics
Allowable Costs by Funding Source

Various funding sources, deadlines, and unique requirements complicate calculating potential funding limits and usage for you and the clients you serve. Forvis Mazars can help:

  • Explain the various forms of funding you’ve received and work to identify allowable expenditures
  • Assess whether participants receiving federal funds were eligible based on guidance stated in the oversight agency's requirements and contract requirements
Subrecipient Monitoring

With significantly more funding likely passing through your organization than normal, relying on robust subrecipient monitoring support is critical. Our subrecipient modeling service includes:

  • Evaluating internal controls and processes for monitoring subrecipients
  • Leveraging data analytics and forensic monitoring procedures to help reconcile key budget line items to the subrecipient’s supporting documentation submission and helping identify potential fraud, waste, and abuse
  • Submitting financial packages to the funding entity and providing required integration for outcomes reporting to federal and state regulators
  • Identifying allowable or unallowable costs and control objectives that can provide reasonable assurance that awards are expended only for allowable activities

Reporting is always around the corner. With our end-to-end approach to grants management, you can be confident in the results you provide to your oversight agencies. Whether it be monthly, quarterly, or annual reporting requirements, having a solid reporting system in place keeps everyone informed of deadlines and promotes transparency.

Audit Preparation

Forvis Mazars can help your organization comply with reporting requirements related to the funding you received. In addition, we can inspect transactions for city, state, and federal compliance and assist you in coordinating, planning, and responding to audits—OIG and state auditor audits, Single Audits, etc.

Project Closeout

Depending on the funding source and regulatory requirements, some projects and programs require compliance and reporting even after completing a project. Forvis Mazars can help you build processes that follow the applicable state, local, and federal guidelines and processes around records retention. With help from Forvis Mazars, you can have peace of mind that requests, reports, or data points are in order to help you avoid de-obligation or negative reports.

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