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Payment Risk Analytics

Safeguard your organization against fraud, waste, and abuse.
Trading Charts on a Display

Years of experience in fraud analytics


Core product team consists of certified data analysts and Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE)


Our team is certified in several data analytics programs, including Alteryx, Tableau, and ACL Analytics

Use Data Analytics to Detect Potential Internal Fraud

Data analytics is one of the most effective tools to combat fraud. According to the ACFE’s recent Report to the Nations, data analytics can help reduce the duration and dollar loss from fraud. In its study, the average duration of a fraud scheme detected by automated transaction/data monitoring was approximately 75% shorter than schemes detected by accident, resulting in less than half the dollar loss.

Forvis Mazars brings the skills, industry experience, and technology to help you detect patterns of fraud in accounts payable, purchasing cards, and payroll, which can help management uncover new insights to make better decisions. Whether you are trying to learn more about active fraud, manage the risk of fraud, or make operational improvements, the Analytics practice at Forvis Mazars can help.

The ACFE estimates organizations in a variety of industries and sectors lose 5% of revenue to fraud each year. Forvis Mazars' data analysts can look at the full population of data—not just a sample, common with traditional audit techniques—to help uncover subtle inconsistencies and patterns of fraudulent activities. We then collaborate with one of our Certified Fraud Examiners, who further analyzes the data.  

Our team will walk you through our discoveries and help enable you to:

  • Make data-driven decisions for your organization through easy-to-use, interactive dashboards
  • Identify opportunities for stronger internal controls
  • Find operational insights to help improve efficiency and reduce risk

We are dedicated to an Unmatched Client Experience® to provide tailored services and to prioritize collaboration by listening to your needs. That’s our genuine commitment to helping you drive your business forward.

How Forvis Mazars Can Help

Accounts Payable Risk Analytics

Monitoring vendor activity is one of your most powerful weapons in fighting accounts payable (AP) fraud. Nearly all fraud schemes involve asset misappropriation, and a common concern for organizations is fraud loss through AP.  

Forvis Mazars can help you uncover hidden patterns in your vendor data and payments. Using sophisticated, data-driven insights and our knowledgeable experience, we'll help you identify high-risk vendors. 

Together, we’ll improve visibility to help you make informed decisions and establish best-in-class internal controls to manage fraud risk.

Purchasing Card Risk Analytics

Empower your team with purchasing cards—whether corporate credit, procurement, or travel cards—and help reduce the concern related to fraud, waste, and abuse.

Forvis Mazars uses analytics to spot risky cardholders and transactions. We also look beyond fraud, helping you discover areas for process improvement. You'll benefit from our team of analysts and Certified Fraud Examiners, who sift through the extensive data from purchasing cards to identify unusual patterns.

Payroll Risk Analytics

Navigating vast payroll data can be overwhelming. “Enterprise amnesia”—missing out on potentially unknown data—can significantly limit your decision making. But there’s a way forward.

With Forvis Mazars, you can analyze payroll data with confidence. Our payroll risk analytics tool can help you identify employee- and payroll-related risks and make informed decisions.

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